Sunday, February 06, 2011

Darondo - How I Got Over

I have to tell you a story.
One night I was backstage at a dope show at La Pena Cultural Center in Berkeley. Dun Dun from Los Rakas and I were sitting on a black leather couch listening to The Park performing and laughing at someone who had just spilled a cup of vodka on the floor after talking about he was a professional. There was an old man slumped over on the couch in front of us who looked like he'd had too much to drink and passed out. I had noticed him when I first got there which was about 2 hours before that.

Berkeley is known for it's strays so I paid it no mind, I thought he had wandered in from outside since no one I asked knew who he was, and since he wasn't bothering anyone it didn't matter. At the time I had no idea it was a compliment, but I said "Dun why is your daddy over here sleep? Do something." He proceeded to act like he was going to throw his drink at me. Some time passes and I decide I'd like to watch the rest of the show from the floor instead of from behind.

For the final act, Wonway is on stage asking for someone to come out but they're lagging. He has The Park play another song. "Finally!" He says, to let us know our closer is ready. The drunk man from the couch, he had changed out of his warm up and came out fitted in a dark gray suit and fedora, AND HE KILLS IT! My jaw dropped to the floor. This guy was incapacitated in the back but when it was time to work he was MORE than ready. He hit these high notes, seduced women and had happy feet. Where did he come from?!?

I mean no disrespect with this story. Darondo completely changed the way I look at people. It was one of those moments where you realize you really have NO idea who a person is, and you can sit on a couch judging someone, all the while they have more talent in their pinky than you have in your whole body.

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd he's from San Francisco!

studio version

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